Jim Maratty

Managing Director

Passionate about Road Safety and having spent many years driving and riding motorcycles in the UK and abroad Jim has experienced what can happen when things don't quite go to plan.  At the age of 21 Jim was involved in an RTA being hit by a car when crossing the road and almost loosing his life and had both legs broken in the process. 

This is just one of the experiences that has encouraged Jim to share his passion for safer roads.  Over the years he has become a DVSA Approved Driving Instructor and from there gained the DVSA Accredited Fleet Trainer and Assessor award.  Following this Jim also entered ORDIT, the DVSA's Official Register for Driving Instructor Trainers.  To ensure that he kept up to date with the best driving practices Jim also joined RoSPA's Advanced Driver programme and has gained the highest award, that of Gold Standard, which is reassessed every three years.

To further assist in him in presenting classes, workshops and individual training Jim went back to college to gain a City and Guilds Award in Education and Training.

To compliment the Road Safety aspect of Alert Drivers Training and Development Ltd.  Jim also trained to become a First Aid Instructor, more information on this can be found at


Professional skills

DVSA Approved Driving Instructor

DVSA Fleet Trainer and Assessor

DVSA ORDIT Instructor

RoSPA Gold Award Advanced Driver

City and Guilds Award in Education and Training

Qualified First Aid Instructor

Other team members

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